Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Worry About Yourself!

     Do you have those determined "Mother Hen's" in your class or even more so in your school?!  You know the ones who are always busy worrying about what someone else is or isn't doing instead of worrying about what they themself should be doing.
   I've found that while my fifth graders don't "tattle" that they are constantly telling others what to do...a form of tattling.... as I explained to them this week. What's even worse though is when an adult is constantly telling and tattling on you! My Soul! Worry about yourself Peoples!

I have this sign from technology rocks. seriously posted in my classroom. She has a lot of great home and school printables. Click on the pic for the link.

 Below is also a really great video of this adorable little girl whose parents have taught her well to "worry about yourself"!! I've shown this to my class a couple of times this year!

 Two days until Spring Break!!!
Badabababa...I'm lovin' the thought of it.

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